Author: Puja Sen
I am a trained Meditation practitioner and I love to meditate and spread my experience as well as my knowledge of meditation through my blog. Meditation is definitely an inconceivable practice that benefits one in so many areas of life. But one wrong step can harm you. And thus, I want to share my knowledge of meditation to help you practicing meditation appropriately.
Source Om Mani Padme Hum is a Sanskrit mantra related to Avalokiteshvara (the Bodhisattva of compassion). It is the basic mantra of Tibetan Buddhism. Om Mani Padme Hum is a Mantra written on a …
Miracle of Meditation has the power to open your attention to the self-transformative probability within as well as connect our soul to the perception of heaven – throughout the …
Source Gratitude Meditation is the affirmation and thankfulness for the things, individuals, and conditions of your life. You may feel an unconstrained flood of gratitude when somebody shocks you …
Source Daily meditation is a life changer. The 6 phase meditation radically improves our well-being, physically and psychologically. So, doing this meditation on a daily basis can help you …
Among all the actions that we take all day, we hardly give sufficient time to ourselves by sitting quietly. So, today we would like to present to you not …
Every new day bringing new types of yoga and meditation practices. One such meditation is white Skeleton Meditation. With Dr. Setareh Moafi’s Guidance and Shakyamuni Buddha’s teaching, the White …
Meditation is like a vitamin for your brain, because it helps with things like anxiety, frustration, self-acceptance, optimism, and loneliness. It changes for the better in your brain, giving …
Source Meditation is beneficial for everyone. Meditation brings peace to the mind and benefits both body and mind. If you instill the habit of meditation in children from childhood, …
Source Heartfulness Meditation is a smooth and subtle method of meditation. This method is based on transmission (Pranahuti). Heartfulness spiritual institution has thousands of centers all over the world. …
Source Playing meditation bells regularly causes a prompt focusing impact. The tones set up a recurrence following reaction that makes a blending, left/right cerebrum synchronization. Ruminating over the unpretentious …
Source A recent survey conducted in India has revealed the fact that more than 75% of people living in large metropolitan areas approach their doctors with sleep-related complaints. Why? …
Source Meditation mat or cushions offer meaningful and important seating facilities. When you close your eyes and breathe equally, then your body relaxes and you get your inner balance. …
Source Meditation is basically a simple method for transforming our mind. Meditation encourages and develops concentration, emotional positivity, clarity, as well as a calm vision to see the true …
Source Meditation is not merely a physical practice; it is also a mental practice. The books on meditation explore the mindfulness-based features of Meditation and thus it provides daily …
Source Each and every element that makes up your life practice is strained to you by the influential Law of Attraction. The Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction is one …