What Does It Mean By Abraham Hicks Meditation?

Abraham Hicks Meditation law of attraction


Abraham Hicks’s meditation is elevating, and you will feel great with mantras. Abraham-Hicks are anything but a solitary individual, yet a gathering of profoundly develop educators who by and large are called Abraham. Abraham depicts them as “a gathering cognizance from the non-physical measurement.”

So Abraham is a lot of spirits whose considerations are coordinated towards helping the individuals who ask and conveying positive energies to the universe where it’s required.

the couple group of Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks directs the Abraham Hicks meditation channel. That is the reason the soul group is called Abraham-Hicks. Jerry died a couple of years back so Esther is the person who currently channels Abraham. They also have published a book named Law of Attraction which is the Abraham hicks law. It is one of the best books by Esther and Jerry Hicks.

What Is Meditation?

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Meditation, in its pure form, is an art. This is not just to sit quietly. It is a process through which you can increase your concentration. This is not about chanting. It is basically to understand the subtle functioning of the mind. If you understand the functioning of the mind once, a great awareness arises in you, which has no relation with the mind. This awareness arises from your being, your soul, and your consciousness. This consciousness is called meditation.

Regular practice of meditation helps to increase your concentration. When you practice meditation daily; it helps to calm your mind. Thus you can concentrate on your work. There are several types of meditation practices such as Abraham Hicks Morning Rampage, Tummo Meditation, Heartfulness Meditation, Emily Fletcher Meditation, Jedi Meditation, Abraham Hicks Meditation, Abraham Hicks Nighttime Meditation, etc. Today in this article below we are going to discuss Abraham Hicks’s Meditation.

What is Abraham Hicks’s Meditation?

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With regards to understanding the Universal laws and Abraham Hicks Meditation relationships to our psyches, the lessons of Abraham Hicks Vortex meditation are certainly one of my big deal top choices. Their guided contemplations in Esther Hick’s voice complete a lot of advantages for the amateurs just as the intermediates.

Here are 5 influential Abraham Hicks meditations that help a great deal with anxiety, sleeplessness, and stress, promote physical and general health and address matters of monetary blocks. You can find these under Abraham Hicks publications

(i) Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation

(ii) Abraham Hicks General Wellbeing Meditation

(iii) Abraham Hicks Physical Wellbeing Meditation

(iv) Abraham Hicks Financial Wellbeing Meditation

(v) Abraham Hicks Before Bedtime Meditation

Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation:

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This’s a stunning uplifting and motivating guided Abraham Hicks meditation in Esther Hicks’s voice. It surely raises your energy and vibrations levels as well as sets your attitude for the forthcoming bright, beautiful day. However, it is advised to use authorized guide only, do not use one that do not follow the copyrighted material guidelines.

Abraham Hicks General Wellbeing Meditation:

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Take a few profound breaths and just dive into the Abraham Hicks General Wellbeing Meditation. This’s an outstanding meditation method from Abraham Hicks that unites you back to the source as well as makes you feel great.

Abraham Hicks Physical Wellbeing Meditation:

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This type of meditation engraves on us that the body is simply a physical appearance of the extension of the source and thus it is as within as without.

Abraham Hicks Financial Wellbeing Meditation:

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This type of meditation by Abraham Hicks puts one in the accurate place, emotionally and mentally to release conflict and thus receive abundance from within.

Abraham Hicks Before Bedtime Meditation:

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This type of bedtime meditation by Abraham Hicks soothes one with its comforting music as well as puts one on the ultimate trial of feelings that one should have just before going to bed to sleep. This’s the perfect time to take a rest and relax, appreciate, and surrender the rest you’re just going to offer your body. It is also called night meditation Abraham Hicks.

Core Teachings Of Abraham Hicks:

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Many people have taken an interest in the ideas that Abraham Hicks advocates, and his movement has gained a lot of popularity. However, it has also generated just as much debate as anything else that can be considered alternatively “radical.”

Hicks 12 Core Teachings:

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  • You are an extension of the non-physical in the physical realm.
  • You can be, do, or have anything you can imagine.
  • You made the decision to be in this body and are therefore here.
  • Your life is built on freedom, and joy is what it’s all about.
  • Unwind and embrace your natural well-being. It’s all good. (It truly is!)
  • You are a creator, and every idea you have is a new creation.
  • Byproducts of your attention on joy are actions that must be taken and things to be exchanged.
  • You are eternal life; you cannot pass away.
  • Your emotions are directing you while you choose your thoughts.
  • On your particular journey of delight, you create “thought ways.”
  • You may properly leave your body without suffering from disease or anguish.
  • The cosmos loves you because of it and is aware of your higher purposes.


The Abraham Hicks meditation helps you to feel better, and straightforward expressions to concentrate your considerations on. The aim is to inspire your soul, rebalance your internal soul, and pull inspiration toward yourself.


Q. Can meditation be dangerous?

A. YES. Meditation can be dangerous if you fail to follow the accurate method while practicing meditation. For this reason, it is always advised to take an expert’s help while beginning meditation

Q. How do I cleanse my soul from negativity?

A. If you want to completely cleanse your soul from negativity then meditation will be the most effective yet easy way to do that. Check out how you can meditate to cleanse your soul.

Q. Does meditation change your personality?

A. Regular practice of meditation helps the practitioner change his approach towards life, as well as provide happiness & peace of mind. Thus you can say that meditation changes your personality

To Know More About Types Of Meditation:-