Jedi Meditation is something as humble as closing the eyes, taking deep breathing, and sitting in a comfy chair. You do not have to sit cross-legged on a pillow or the ground. All you need to do is just find yourself a soundless spot in your home & sit there.
Jedi is a method that will explain to you how to become a Jedi through daily assistance you can practice to become more active and healthier. So, let’s know what it means by Jedi meditation, how to meditate like a Jedi, as well as what are the benefits of this meditation.
What is Jedi Meditation & How Does It Work?
The Jedi methods have been practiced since ancient times as a technique of gaining wisdom and insight into the Force. There’re many diverse meditation methods, but most of them have been lost due to the effects of time. This following method is the 1st step of the commonly practiced Jedi method.
This meditation practice is a vital part of the Jedi routine. Jedi believes that a peaceful mind can be reached through the practice of meditation and observation. Jedi need to meditate frequently so that they can clear their concentrations.
Our thoughts, like exfoliators, get dirty from the world and thus need to be washed out every day. We even engage things from those who are around us, as well as from our surroundings, the foodstuff we consume, etc. so it is essential to retain a peaceful, clear, focused mind to meditate as a Jedi/Jedi meditate regularly.
Just like all the Force training, the Jedi method follows an order of a few steps. These steps are:
(i) Control
(ii) Sense
(iii) And Alter.
You have to learn to control your own capabilities even before you can sense the Force of the Jedi Meditation. As soon as you have mastered sensing this Force adjacent to you, you will be able to use this Force to achieve actions and thus alter the objects and events around you.
So, the basic method of Jedi demonstrates you take control over your mental process, as well as allows one to focus on their thoughts on one goal, thought, or object i.e. the object of the meditation process.
This object needs to have a vivid subjective or objective reality to you. So, it’s the easiest to initiate with a bodily object like a candle or a ball. Once you have learned to meditate on the physical substances, you may continue to the mental stuff, for example, mental goals or images. Make sure that your mental objects are well-defined in your mind. As you now know what is Jedi meditation, let’s now know the steps to do this meditation.
(You can also Read: Abraham hicks meditations)
Step-by-Step Guidelines for the Basic Jedi Meditation Techniques:

grey Jedi meditation music
Let’s now learn about Jedi Meditation in the article below. Following this way you can meditate like a Jedi.
- to start Jedi meditation techniques, at first, sit down on a cushion, or the ground, with the neck and spine straight.
- Now place your both hands on your lap, keep your palms upward
- Then relax the entire body intensely and as speedily as you can (If you can’t do this speedily then do not worry as with proper practice, you’ll be capable of relaxing more quickly)
- You have to relax yourself using the Technique of Calming Breath (deep breaths)
- After you are completely relaxed, you have to normalize your breathing process to a peaceful and calm rate for Jedi order
- In case you are using any physical object, then you must focus on the object properly
- If you’re using any mental object such as an idea or an image, then close your eyes to focus on yourself
- Try to keep your feelings from wandering as well as shutting out lost thoughts
- Now open yourself to the senses and thus focus on what you smell, and what you hear.
- Focus on the fact that how the floor feels underneath you, & also how your breathing procedure feels when you inhale
- Let the senses be a regular part of your stream of thoughts of yours
- Concentrate your feelings upon the objects (both Physical and mental objects) of your Jedi for around twenty minutes.
The Secret Star Wars Meditation Mantra?

luke skywalker meditating
George Lucas enjoyed including arbitrary philosophical allusions in Star Wars. He accomplished this, among other places, with the name Padme Amidala.
The Buddhist chant Om Mani Padme Hum is where the name Padme Amidala originates.
The word “Padme” means “Lotus” in translation (as in Lotus flower, and also as in the Boddhisvata Jewel-Lotus, who symbolizes compassion). Amidala is a representation of the Amida Buddha of the Pure Lands.
The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra, a Buddhist chant, captures the idea best with Padme Amidala as its embodiment. “The Jewel Is In The Lotus,” is what it implies.
By the Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path, Padme’s persona stands for the idea of living with the right intention (compassion) and following the proper path to enlightenment.
Anakin Skywalker sticks on the clean, Jedi path as long as Padme is still alive. Anakin would progress toward enlightenment if she were to survive (he would become a Jedi Master). If Padme dies, Anakin Skywalker loses his compassion, strays from the “Noble Path,” and transforms into Darth Vader, losing his purity.
But the transformation of Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader was not brought on by Padme’s passing. He is afraid she will pass away.
The problem is fear. Fear is also another issue that the Jedi helps us with.
Anakin’s issue is not with reality or the fact that Padme is unwell; rather, it is with his fear of her passing. He transforms into Darth Vader as a result before she passes away.
Fear is a mental construct and a misguided way of thinking. We discover this when we engage in fear meditations.
We let go of fear when we practice Jedi, as Yoda advises. But Anakin can’t, which is how he develops into Darth Vader.
If only Anakin Skywalker had been able to distinguish between his fear of reality and reality itself, he would have never evolved into Darth Vader.
In the entire Star Wars Universe narrative for Star Wars fans, that is possibly the most significant message.
- You will live on the honorable path to enlightenment—towards becoming a Jedi Master—if you let go of fear, rage, and hate then you will certainly feel the force like a former Jedi.
- You will become ignorant and turn into a Sith Lord if you let your rage, fear, and hatred overtake you and bring a light side.
The tale of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader encapsulates a lot of the causes for which individuals learn to meditate. The most effective approach to freeing your own mind from fear, rage, hate, and other erroneous thinking patterns is through meditation techniques, such as Jedi meditation. When we practice meditation, our brains become clear and pure.
But how will I be able to tell the good from the bad? Luke Skywalker queries.
Yoda explains, “When you are quiet and at peace, you will know.”
The Jedi practice meditation to develop the inner tranquility that helps them become Jedi Masters or Jedi Knight.
Benefits of Jedi Meditations:

gray jedi council
The following are the health benefits of Jedi, as evidenced by scientific studies –
It Reduces Stress:
Most people try to meditate on the true Jedi practice to reduce stress and the dark side if they have any. Research has also shown that doing meditation also improves stress-related conditions, such as irritability due to irregular bowel movements, stress due to an injury or accident, and fibromyalgia (muscle and bone pain), etc.
Enhances Emotional Health:
By doing Jedi meditation, your attitude towards yourself changes and your attitude towards life is also positive. People who do meditation have more brain activity than those who do not, meaning they have control over their brains. People who used to meditate, there is a change in their thinking, now they are thinking more positively than before.
Increases Concentration:
Meditation with focused attention can help you increase concentration. It increases the strength and patience required to concentrate.
Increases Self-Awareness:
Meditation Jedi/Jedi Meditating helps you understand yourself. With which you can control yourself in your troubles and adversity. These meditation techniques have also been found to increase concentration, memory, and brain speed in older people.
Meditation Makes You Kind:
Jedi specifically increases positive thoughts and positive reactions to oneself and others. Metta, a type of meditation, also known as loving-kindness meditation, increases your compassion. By practicing this, a feeling of kindness and forgiveness towards others develops.
Do these steps till you’re able to focus on the objects without interruption for the period of your Jedi. As soon as you’ve mastered the steps of this meditation, you will increase a sense of the objects through the Force.
Sitting in your favorite chair, closing your eyes, and inhaling deeply can serve as a form of meditation. It’s not necessary to sit on a pillow or cross your legs on the ground.
Simply choose a peaceful area of your home’s Jedi Temple and sit there. You can calm your mind as long as you’re comfy. You will soon be free of whatever worries you may have about your job, your family, Sith lords, how to fight Kylo Ren, where to find Luke Skywalker, or anything else.
If you’ve never meditated before, make it easy by focusing on deep breathing and allowing the Force to move through you.
At first, it will be difficult. You won’t succeed. Jedi meditation is truly mastered by the ability to start over after failure.
Q. Why do the Jedi meditate?
A. The Jedi methods have been practiced since ancient times as a technique of gaining wisdom and insight into the Force.
Q. How do you do Jedi meditation?
A. Just like all the Force training, the Jedi method follows an order of a few steps. These steps are Control, Sense, And Alter.
Q. What is the procedure to practice Jedi?
A. Jedi Meditation is something as humble as closing the eyes, taking deep breathing, and sitting in a comfy chair. You do not have to sit cross-legged on a pillow or the ground.
Q. What does the basic method of the Jedi demonstrate?
A. The basic method of Jedi demonstrates you take control over your mental process, as well as allowing one to focus on their light and dark sides and thoughts on one goal, thought, or object.
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