Meaning & Significant Of Om Mani Padme Hum

Om Mani Padme Hum


Om Mani Padme Hum is a Sanskrit mantra related to Avalokiteshvara (the Bodhisattva of compassion). It is the basic mantra of Tibetan Buddhism. Om Mani Padme Hum is a Mantra written on a stone with a portrait of Mahatma Buddha.

It is often written on stones or written on paper and put in a worship cycle. It is believed that the number of times this wheel is rotated, will give the same result of uttering the mantra. So, see below to know more about this mantra.

What Is Om Mani Padme Hum?

prayer flags mantra helps achieve perfection and get rid of negative karma


‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ is a Sanskrit mantra consisting of six syllables that relate to the four-handed shadow god of the Buddhist civilization, ‘Avalokiteshvara’Avalokiteshvara is one of the Bodhisattvas who is the source of the mercy that is manifest in all Bodhisattvas.

This is the most venerated Bodhisattva and most respected in mainstream Buddhism. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva promised that as long as there was only one animal on this earth, he would not be killed. Avalokiteshvara is known in various countries.

For example, in Tibet, his name is “Chenrezig”. Dalai Lama was also sometimes called a pompani because he holds a palm in his hand. Again Avalokiteshvara Dalai Lama is also known as Lord God of the world.

According to the Tibetan Buddhist religion, the Avalokiteshvara Dalai Lama, and for the good of the living beings in the form of Karmapa, have been descended on this earth.

The mantra ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ is identified as the seed mantra of all Buddhist teachings. Each word of the mantra consisting of six syllables, “Om” “ma” ṇi “pad” “me” and the final syllable hum which the Dalai Lama teaches differently. The words are usually engraved on some sacred stone called ‘moni stone’.

Or the prayer wheel is written on paper or cloth. Once this mantra is rotated in a circle, it is assumed that the mantra is pronounced every time it rotates. Various Buddhist schools translate words in different ways.

Many writers think that ‘Manipadam’ is a compound word. As there is no uppercase letter in Sanskrit, the idea of ​​translating the mantra changes due to the large and small uppercase letters.

The followers explain the mantra in various ways. Even words are like a mere sequence whose effects go beyond the strict meaning.

The middle syllable (‘Manipadam‘) is simultaneously called ‘Padma’s soul’ or ‘Lotus in the Jewel’ in English. ‘Mani’ in Sanskrit is sometimes compared to the goddess Thought; Which indicates his position among the lotus flowers.

Brief Detailed Meaning Of The Syllables:

Let’s now take a quick glance at the meaning of the six syllables one by one. Knowing each word from the mantra will help to understand it clearly:


It is the sound or vibration of the world; represents generosity and divine energy as well as purifies our ego and helps to calm down our mind


It represents ethics as well as purifies the sense of jealousy in you. See the next four syllables below.


It represents patience as well as purifies desire or want


It represents diligence as well as purifies judgment and ignorance


It represents concentration as well as purifies attachment we have


It is the indivisible unity that represents wisdom as well as purifies hatred

Story Behind Om Mani Padme Hum?

Story Behind six practices mantras


After the collapse of the Gupta era in 122 AD, the religious and cultural fields in India had deteriorated significantly. This primitive or pre-Aryan idea also influenced Buddhism.

As a result, Mahayana Buddhism was changed in Bengal and Bihar (Magadha) in the eighth century and a doctrine called ‘Vajrayana’ was developed.

The Vikramshila monastery of Vikrampur or Bihar was one of the sadhana routes of the Vajrayana Buddhists.

In the eleventh century, the thunderbolt of this monastery went to preach religion in Tibet. They were led by Atish Dipankar. The main mantra of this Vajrayana is: ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’.

Which literally means “Mani is the real Padma”. But in the midst of this mantra is hidden the whole Vajrayana, the entire Buddha’s teachings.

Meaning Of Om Mani Padme Hum?

Meaning Of indivisible union & other words


Lotus is a symbol of purity. So ‘the real Padma’; means ‘true purity’. So what is the meaning of the word ‘mani’? It is said that Buddha’s teachings are contained in this mantra.

According to Buddhist philosophy, Buddha-nature exists in every human being. Each of us has a seed of purity, we need to develop it and transform it into intellect.

Our ordinary body, speech, and mind will be purified and transformed into the Buddha’s holy body, speech, and mind.

And ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ practices the path which is an inseparable connection of method and wisdom (Wisdom).

It is through this mantra that we can transform our unclean body, speech, and mind into a Buddha’s glorious body, sentence, and mind.


The first syllable ‘Om’ is the name of the Lord. The writings are A-U-M, presented in three forms: Brahma (creation), Vishnu (conceit), and Shiva (destruction); Or Buddhists related it to the Buddha’s holy pure body, the Holy Word, and the Holy Mind with this one phrase.


The word ‘Mani‘ means gem or meaning jewel. Pure gems are love and compassions and symbolize the desire for enlightenment. ‘Mani‘ is ‘Maya’. The origin of ‘desire’, ‘world’ and ‘nirvana’.

You get special sanctifications of the divinity, Compassion Buddha by practicing the recitation and meditation in the mani retreat for the enlightened ones.


‘Padme’ meaning lotus which is a symbol of wisdom.

Just as a lotus flower rises from mud, wisdom must reach the human condition to attain heavenly qualities.

The basic wisdom of all wisdom is ‘the wisdom of silence and nothingness. ‘Padme’ means emptiness. Here the fourth syllable is Pad and the fifth syllable is Me. These two syllables are uttered together.

All the buddhas out there practice this mantra thousands of times daily with altruistic intention to get the pure exalted body and indivisible unity.


final sixth syllable ‘Hum’ connects wisdom and spiritual practices. It is indivisibility, stagnation, which cannot be disturbed. Entire teaching represents the Mind (Supper) of Jnanadipan. ‘Hum’ destroys suffering.


The route of these six perfections is the similar path walked by every single buddha of the 3 times. So, nothing could be more eloquent than to recite the mantra as well as achieve the six perfections.

Om Mani Padme Hum: The 6 Syllables:

In this manner, the six syllables, imply that in reliance on the act of a way which is an unbreakable association of strategy and intelligence, you can change your unclean body, discourse, and psyche into the unadulterated commended body, discourse, and brain of a Buddha.

It is said that you ought not to look for Buddhahood outside of yourself; the substances for the accomplishment of Buddhahood are inside. This helps to purify your impure body and mind.

As Maitreya says in his Sublime Continuum of the Great Vehicle (Uttaratantra), all creatures normally have the Buddha nature in their own continuum.

We have inside us the seed of virtue, the embodiment of a One Gone Thus (Tathagatagarbha), that will be changed and completely formed into Buddhahood.

Benefits Of Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum:

Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum is the spiritual treatment of physical barriers. If you have any kind of problem or obstacle in your life then you can solve that problem by a chanting powerful mantra. So let’s see the benefits of chanting Om Mani Padme Hum.

Purify Your Soul:

Purify Your Soul with buddhist tradition and buddha nature


Chanting Om Mani Padme Hum mantra helps to purify your soul of sentient beings. The person, who chants the powerful mantra, as well as the people and the conscious person with a certain scope of that person, has a cleansing effect on creatures. The soul of purification will help us in attaining illumination.

Helps To Experience Divine Unity:

NI helps achieve perfection To Experience Divine Unity


People have experienced wonderful Om Mani Padme Hum meditation on the blue pearl in the Golden Lotus. It is also possible to see a golden flame or blue pearl.

Since each person is different, experiences may vary. Some people may experience divine unity or divine bliss. Some people may find blue pearls sucked. Some may feel light extending in different directions.

Gives You Crime Free Beautiful Life:

symbolize wisdom Gives You Crime Free Beautiful Life


Reciting this mantra may sound very simple but its benefits are far from simple. It helps us live a crime-free and beautiful life. In Pranic Healing, Om Mani Padme Hum is a very powerful effect on the Golden Lotus Blue Pearl.

Enlighten Your Soul:

prayer wheels Enlighten Your Soul & represents wisdom


Chanting this mantra helps you to enlighten your soul. One must avoid thoughts and food that may be affected and the body must have clean energy or aura.

The benefits of the mantra are limitless and Master Choa Kok Sui has shown us the path of enlightenment through his intellect.

Eliminate Negative Energy:

practitioner's impure body Eliminate Negative Energy


Elimination of negative energy and prevention of defects related to the killings and obstructing is possible with the chanting of this mantra. Thus the six syllables from Tibetan script has pure ethics


There are several individuals who live chanting this ancient mantra Om Mani Padme Hum a million times.

However, they have little idea of the 3 principal features of the path– bodhicitta, renunciation, and also the right sight of emptiness– and not even the meaning of words.

Although they cannot read and do not even distinguish the alphabets, they have excessive devotion to Bodhichitta and compassion and live their lives chanting Om Mani Padme Hum for the pure exalted body.

Such individuals are very kind, warm-hearted, and very empathetic. This is evidence from my personal experience that the mantra has the consequence of renovating the awareness into good wisdom and heart.

Lacking Bodhichitta and compassion, you can’t have all the pleasure for all the sentient beings. You can’t do flawless work for all the sentient beings, as well as you can’t achieve the whole qualities of the cessation and realizations, even for yourself.


Q. What means Om Mani Padme Hum?

A. The six syllables, which is Om Mani Padme Hum, meaning that in reliance on the act of a way which is a resolute association of strategy and shrewdness, you can change your

  • Impure body
  • Altruistic intention
  • Bad body speech and mind

And psyche into the unadulterated lifted up the pure body, discourse, heart treasure, good body speech, and mind of a Buddha.

Q. What are the benefits of chanting Om Mani Padme Hum?

A. The advantages of discussing the Compassion Buddha mantra are boundless, similar to the boundless sky.

Regardless of whether you don’t have a lot of scholarly comprehension of Dharma, regardless of whether the lone thing you know is OM MANI PADME HUM.

Still, the most joyful daily routine is one experienced with a demeanor liberated from the eight common concerns.

In the event that you carry on with your existence with the unadulterated disposition liberated from connection sticking to this life and essentially consume your time on earth reciting OM MANI PADME HUM—this six-syllable mantra that is the quintessence of all Dharma—that is the most perfect Dharma.

Q. Can Om Mani Padme Hum be chanted silently?

A. Monks generally chant this holy mantra loudly, which is essential for a supplication used to achieve sympathy.

Vajrayana Buddhists accept that platitude the mantra

  • Om
  • Mani
  • Padme
  • Hum

For all to hear or quietly to oneself conjures kindhearted consideration and empathy.

Q. How many times chant Om Mani Padme Hum?

A. In his message to the Buddhist people group from his home in McLeodganj, the Tibetan profound pioneer requested that individuals discuss the “om mani padme murmur” mantra no less than multiple times.

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