What Is Merkaba Meditation and How Does It Work?

Merkaba Meditation

Merkaba Meditation is a type of meditation that opens up your way of life’s infinite potential and lifts your being. Merkaba meditation also helps you to relish life enthusiastically and is related to intellectualism and spirituality. But to understand Merkaba Activation Meditation, Mer Ka Ba science, and to know the procedure to do, first, we need to understand the meaning of Merkaba. So let’s know what is Merkaba Meditation and what it means. Here is the Merkaba meditation explained to you…

What Is The Meaning of Sacred Geometry In Merkaba Meditation?

Merkaba Classic Meditation is made up of the short Egyptian words “Mer-ka-ba”. The word “Merkaba” is pronounced in many ways, such as Merkabah, Merkava, and Merkavah in ancient Egypt.

The word “Mer” means “light that interchanges within itself

At the same time, the word ‘Ka’ reflects the person’s soul

The word ‘Ba’ refers to the interpretation of the reality of the soul.

The word ‘MER’ refers to a particular type of light that was understood in Egypt during the 18th dynasty after the re-orientation of religions towards the worship of God for the whole creation. ‘Mer’ was seen as one of the two spinning areas on the same zodiac of light.

In these areas, a person makes special breathing patterns when they are generated. These areas are generated when a person follows specific breathing patterns.

In human reality, ‘Ba’ is usually defined as the body or physical reality. In reality, where souls do not need the body, ‘Ba’ explains reality in its scope, where they live.

It’s a star tetrahedron with geometric shapes rotating in opposite directions at equal speed, it comes with the power to build a perfectly balanced and unionized energy field. Without Unconditional Love or Divine love, the Merkaba can’t manifest as a live field of light. Let’s know further about Mer Ka Bah meditation:

What is Merkaba Meditation?

So basically, Merkaba Meditation is a crystalline energy field that is involved in that particular sacred geometry that aligns the mind, body, and heart together.

Merkaba Meditation enables us to experience expansive awareness, connects us with the high potential of consciousness, and restores the use and memory of the infinite possibilities of our being.

Many people know about meditation, but few people have heard about Merkaba meditation. Merkaba brings you to a state where you can become aware of all the energy around you.

It helps you learn different ways of controlling the respiratory and organisms. Merkaba Meditation book helps you to relax, refresh yourself, and improve your overall health.

It acts as a medium and takes you into a situation that you have not experienced before. It affects your heart, as well as it affects your soul too. Let’s now learn Merkaba from home.

What Is the Merkaba Awakening Technique?

The Merkaba meditation technique for beginners is a purely spiritual process that contains geometric energy fields that are called the Merkaba energy fields, where you need to breathe rhythmically. The Merkaba meditation guided instructions are made of eighteen breaths.

So, learn Merkaba meditation following the Merkaba meditation training instructions. Here are the advanced Merkaba meditation steps that will help you practice Merkaba’s advanced meditation technique properly.

First Breath:

  • In the First breath, sit comfortably in a quiet place and then hold your index finger with your thumb to make the Prayer Mudra.

Second Breath:

  • In the second breath do this with both hands and keep both palms facing upward

Third Breath:

  • In the third breath imagine a red light after this, open the original cycle and hold the breath

Fourth Breath:

  • In the fourth breath change the finger (hold the middle finger with your thumb) inhale and then hold your breath for a while, then leave the breath out.

Fifth Breath:

  • After this comes the fifth breath, imagine an orange light
  • Keep your eyes down

Sixth Breath:

  • After this in the sixth breath, change the finger again
  • Now hold the third finger (ring finger) with your thumb together

Seventh Breath:

  • In the Seventh Breath, imagine the yellow light.

Eighth Breath:

Inhale and then hold your breath for a while, then leave the breath out.

Afterward, hold your fourth finger (little finger) with your thumb

Ninth Breath:

Now in the ninth breath imagine green light

Tenth Breath:

  • Then repeat the same process like breathing inside, holding your breath for some time, then leaving the breath out
  • Again hold your index with your thumb in the Tenth breath.

Eleventh Breath:

  • Now imagine blue light and open the throat chakra

Twelfth Breath:

  • Then repeat the same process like inhaling and holding your breath for some time then leave breathing out
  • Again hold the second finger with your thumb

Thirteenth Breath:

  • Now imagine Indigo light and open the Bhau Chakra

Fourteenth Breath:

  • Then repeat the same breath process
  • Keep your eyes down

Fifteenth Breath:

  • Again hold the third finger (ring finger) with your thumb together

Sixteenth Breath:

  • Now imagine the purple light
  • Imagine the crowning wheel opening-up

Seventeenth Breath:

  • Inhale and then hold your breath for a while, then leave the breath out
  • Take deep breaths

Eighteenth Breath:

  • Breathe in rhythmically
  • Feel the love around you
  • Let us continue with what you meditate on


Merkaba Meditation procedure consist a total of 18 regular breathing processes, with every breath demonstrating a step toward balancing your energy fields.

Benefits Of The Practice of Merkaba Meditation:

The Merkaba teachings benefits are as follows. If you can follow the Merkaba method properly, you can have the following benefits. 

  • This is the best way to awaken the Kundalini power soon
  • It helps one to practice the infinite potential of one’s being
  • Merkaba Meditation increases your consciousness and also lifts your awareness.
  • It balances one’s mind and thus relieves stress
  • Merkaba Meditation increases the receptive and intuitive aspects of one’s mind
  • If practiced carefully, it upturns your energy as well as enables a stronger connection with your life
  • Merkaba Meditation helps to heal one’s being and thus it also helps one to have a more profound contact with one’s higher self
  • It improves your overall health physical body and spiritual growth
  • This allows you to control your emotions well
  • If you practice regularly then Merkaba meditation makes you more intuitive and receptive, balances your mind, and relieves stress.
  • It helps to restore the prana flow into your pineal gland


An electromagnetic shift takes place when an individual’s Merkaba flower is triggered through the Merkaba relaxation described above. As a result, an energy disc is released because of activated Merkaba, growing at the spine and extending 30′ from the light body. Scientific methods can be used to detect energy, and it has reportedly been examined by numerous governmental organizations.


Q. What is a Merkaba used for?

A. Merkaba Meditation is a type of spiritual practice that opens up the infinite potentials of your way of life and lifts your being.

The Merkaba shape can easily be seen in everything. This is for individuals who already recognize as spiritual beings, and now wish to build a deeper connection with the higher consciousness.

Q. How do you pronounce Merkaba?

A. The word Merkaba is made up of three separate words “Mer-ka-ba”. The word “Merkaba” is pronounced in many ways, such as Merkabah, Merkava, and Merkavah. “Mer” means a particular type of light rotating, “Ka” means the human spirit, while “Ba” means the spirit’s arrangement of its particular reality.

Q. What is Merkaba energy?

A. Merkaba Meditation is a crystalline energy field that is involved in that particular sacred geometry that aligns the mind, body, and heart together.

Q. How do I activate my Merkaba Drunvalo?

A. Merkaba Meditation procedure consists of a total of 18 regular breathing processes, with every breath demonstrating a step toward balancing your energy fields. Check out the process to activate your Merkaba Drunvalo.

Q. What shape is the Merkaba?

A. Merkaba Meditation brings you into a state where you can become aware of all the energy around you. It is a shape made of two interconnecting tetrahedrons that rotate in reverse directions, making a three-dimensional energy field.

Q. Is Merkaba Different From Other Spiritual Practices?

A. Different from other forms of meditation, it doesn’t need you to pose still in a particular position, instead it involves various hand movements. For this meditation practice, you need to take deep breaths in a Yogic manner.

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