Chakras are compared to energy funnels located in the subtle body of a person. There are 7 such centers, and each of them corresponds to a certain zone of the physical body. While the chakras are open and the energy of life circulates through the channels freely and correctly, we do not have problems with health and social adaptation. So, see below finger mudras for chakra balancing.
How to Balance Your Chakras with Finger Mudras?
An unhealthy lifestyle closes the chakras: bad habits, insufficient physical activity, negative thoughts, and violations of spiritual laws. At the same time, invisible energy threads connecting a person with the micro- and macrocosm are torn. Diseases come, mental disorders, loss of money and social status … What to do in this case? Fold your fingers in a special way, performing mudras.
The energy channels associated with the chakras pass through the hands and fingers. Performing “finger yoga” – mudras, can restore the disrupted work of the chakra, establish broken connections, and restore health and even wealth. Mudras are performed in complete solitude and silence at any time of the day, but on an empty stomach. The best position is facing east.
The best pose for performing is the lotus pose. For beginners, a simplified version is possible: sitting on a chair with bent knees and hips parallel to the floor. The feet should be on the floor with their entire surface parallel to each other at a distance of 8-12 cm. The back should be perfectly straight. An important condition is free and even breathing. The time to perform a mudra to open a specific chakra is from 30 to 45 minutes.
Step by Step Mudra Guide:
Mudra has a special connection with our body. According to yoga, we have two nadis, Ida and Pingala, which represent day and night in our energy body. However, there is another nadi called Sushumna Nadi, which also plays an important role in the rise of Kundalini Shakti. So, see below the mudra guide…
- Sit in padmasana, sukhasana or vajrasana.
- Keep your arms relaxed and open your mind and thoughts.
- Sit up straight.
- Slowly lift your head up.
- At the same time, inhale.
- Now, stretching your arms, connect your middle finger with your thumb. Keep your index, ring, and little fingers straight.
- As you lift your head, continue to look at the sky, this time hold your breath.
- Hold your breath for 15-20 seconds, then lift your head down.
- Exhale now, being in a normal position.
- Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed
- Perform the head tilt only if you do not have problems with your spine and neck.
Beginners should not perform Akashi mudra continuously for more than 10 minutes. While performing this mudra, it is advisable to maintain normal breathing and to inhale and exhale correctly.
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