What Is Taoist Meditation Technique?

Taoist Meditation


Taoist meditation is an action without any aim. It’s a meandering, aimless meditation without prefabricated notions or techniques. In Taoism Meditation, the nature of existence is considered to be a meditation of the universe. Yet, our clinging minds need real steps and Taoist techniques to perform meditation.

Thus, I began the venture into the extensive horizon of meditation practice. So let’s now know more about the Taoist guided meditation below:

What is Taoist Meditation?

tai chi inner vision vital breath employs concentrative exercises


The Taoist meditation process is an antique type of practice that came from the Chinese religion and philosophical Taoism.

The methods of popularized Daoist Meditation range from concentration, mindfulness, contemplation, and visualization. The Taoist guided Meditation is designed to carry the practitioner into synchronization with the Sources of life.

Guided Taoist meditation is a unique form of meditation practice with a stronger prominence on healing, energy flow, breathing techniques, contemplation, and visualizations. The practices of Taoism also have a deep aspect. People practice this to join with the power of this universe as well as to gain a deeper insight into the enlightenment.

Taoism or Daoism method is a Chinese religion and philosophy, dating back to Laozi (or Lao Tzu). It highlights living in consonance with Nature and its primary text is “Tao Te Ching”, which dates back to the 6th B.C. Later on, a few lineages of Daoism were also affected by Buddhist meditation practices brought to China from India, particularly in the 8th century C.E.

The Technique of Taoist Meditation:

inner energy taoist religion unify body inner observation martial arts


Taoist meditation practices begin with the 3 regulations or the 3 adjustments. The 3 regulations or adjustments are as follows:

(i) Tiao Xin:

The mind needs to concentrate on something

(ii) Tiao Shen:

The Body needs to become intensely relaxed

(iii) Tiao Xi:

The breath needs to become slow, thin, long, even, and soft

The word “Tiao” means to tune up or to adjust until it’s harmonious and complete with others. It’s merely like fine-tuning a piano so that it can correspond with others. So, Tiao means to cooperate, coordinate, harmonize, as well as to correspond with others with permanent adjustment.

The 3 regulations or adjustments are reliant. When our mind directs our body to relax then our breathing slows down. In case our breathing slows down, our body starts to relax. And when our body relaxes then our mind becomes able to concentrate more proficiently.

This one is the first step to the Taoist guided meditation practice. Mastering these may take you a while. So, you must notice how your mind gets active in doing anything or stay calm when you don’t do anything. As we now know what is Taoist meditation/Taoism meditation, let’s now know the steps to practice meditation.

Breathing Techniques To Practice Taoist:

There are many types of breathing techniques available to practice Taoism. They include the following

Breathing Meditation Techniques:

Breathing is among the most important aspects to notice in the Daoism technique for emptiness meditation. It involves many body parts like the lungs, the intercostal muscles, and the diaphragm. In this method, you need to pay attention to precisely how you inhale and exhale. For beginners, inhale and exhale using your nose but not your mouth.

Furthermore, as soon as you inhale, both the intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract, and your lungs then fill with fresh oxygen.

There are many breathing methods, some of which are as follows:

Mindful Breathing:

This technique calls for mindfulness, or paying attentive attention to your breathing, as the name suggests. All you’ve got to do is focus on your breathing’s gentle pattern. If you’re new to meditation, it’s also a fantastic breathing method to take into account.

Deep Breathing:

You must inhale deeply and completely to use the deep breathing technique. The breathing Daoist meditation method is one of the most fundamental types of breathing that is used.

To fulfill it, you just need to do the following:

  • Slowly breathe in and allow your lungs to fill up with fresh oxygen
  • Find a comfortable position, as well as relax your shoulder
  • Gradually exhale to empty the lungs again

The deep breathing technique is chosen in breathing Daoist meditation as this makes sense of calmness and peace. Its clarity makes it a significant deep-breathing practice for beginners.

Natural Breathing:

Another frequent breathing technique used in the breathing Daoist meditation practice is natural breathing. The goal is to take a deep breath and saturate your tummy with oxygen. Your diaphragm settles and the cavity in your chest widens as you inhale to make room for more air.

On the other hand, as you exhale, the chest cavity compresses and the diaphragm assumes its original curve shape. It is a great breathing technique since it makes the breathing Daoist meditation technique simpler to use.

Steps to practice Taoist Meditation:

mental images specifically focused inner deities sensations arise taoist mysticism


To follow Taoist meditation techniques, at first, start by sitting down comfortably on the floor a yoga mat ,or a meditation stool

Do nothing at this point; do not even talk to yourself in your mind

Let things upsurge and then fall into their harmony

Notice how views of stuff arise in your mind, like taking a breath, without requiring you to pay attention to them.

Taoist meditation practice is active and thus it wants you to be involved in particular actions to offer a proper basis. The 3 regulations or adjustments are the key components of the Taoist-guided meditation process.

You need to perform the first 3 regulations or adjustments first. For definitive success in the Taoist meditation process, there are two more regulations or adjustments that you have to follow. These final 2 regulations or adjustments are as follows:

Tiao Qi:

Adjusting the Qi.

Tiao Shen:

Adjusting the Shen.

The Full Taoist Meditation Formula Is:

human body own person ancient china basic forms descending breath


“Changing grain into Qin, changing Qin into Qi ( Lian Jing Hua Qi (炼精化气) means “Refined gas”, changing Qi into the spirit (Lian Qi Hua Shen (炼气化神) means ‘Refining God’, returning spirit to nothingness ( Lian Shen Huan Xu (炼神还虚) means ‘Refining God is still empty’, and combining nothingness with Tao, Lian Xu He Dao (炼虚合道) means ‘Refining the virtual road’.”

You can’t hurry or rush while doing the first 3 regulations or adjustments. These 3 steps are the most important part of the Taoist-guided Meditation process.

All you need to do is to choose a preferable time to practice this meditation. Choose a time that you can follow daily.

Benefits of Taoist Meditation:

Taoist Meditation


With the regular practice of Taoist Meditation, you will become a calm person. You will get peace of mind in everything you do. Each day you will have a different experience, so do not think about the past, your present will be better.

Human life is full of stress which affects our day-to-day activities. Taoist Meditation helps reduce stress by affecting the nervous system in your body. Regular practice of Taoist Meditation reduces the production of stress-related hormones such as cortisol and increases the production of good chemicals such as serotonin.

Increased Clarity And Calmness:

The practice lets you concentrate on your breathing procedure, which eventually relaxes and calms you. By focusing on your breathing, you avoid concentrating on some puzzling reflections that can boost your levels of stress.

Besides, as you concentrate on your respiration, you can also work on the levels of your clarity.

Increased Concentration:

Your sole emphasis stays on your breathing procedure during the practice. Meaning that this process teaches you to narrow down your concentration to only those things that truly matter. It helps retrace your concentration, particularly when there are plenty of distracting things near you.

Improved Self-Control:

When you learn how to manage your breathing process, you even gain self-control as well as the power to use it in the areas where it is needed. For instance, you may gain power over your emotions, controlling how you respond to and control them.

Other Benefits:

  • Deep sleep is very important for the proper functioning of the body. You do not get proper rest when your brain works excessively fast. Regular meditation provides relief from stress and thus improves the quality of sleep.
  • Less stress means more happiness. You will live a happy and healthy life with Taoist Meditation
  • People suffering from anxiety and sadness should meditate in a daily trance for 15-20 minutes; meditation also helps to control anger.
  • Meditation from daily Taoist Meditation enhances the benefits of energy from internal sources.
  • You lead a disciplined life and become a person of good character.
  • Better concentration is the result of meditation.
  • Keeping Taoist Meditation in regular meditation, a consciousness develops and gradually you reach a point of highest consciousness.
  • This will help you learn more about yourself as well as the secrets of life. Meditation will give new birth to your life.

What Is Emptiness Meditation?

This is a type of guided Daoist meditation practice that is most familiar by the name emptiness meditation practice. In this meditation approach, all you have to do is to discover a comfortable spot and then re-evaluate yourself as well as how you steer life.

You’re expected to deny your mind as well as being of all until you gain a sense of tranquillity and emptiness. Although it may apparently sound quite easy, it’s indeed tough, particularly for newbies. Thus, it’s suggested that they give this technique a try with the assistance of a guide.

It’s beneficial to purge your body and mind of all sensations, emotions, and thoughts. Finding inner peace and letting go of these notions is such a peaceful experience. Other benefits of using this technique include:

Better Sleep:

Trying this method before you go to bed will make it easier for you to fall asleep quickly. In addition to fostering calm, it gradually eases you into an overall feeling of utter relaxation.

Thus, you can fall asleep quickly and will have a deep sleep all night. So, if you suffer from issues like insomnia.

Increased Positivity:

As soon as you tap into a feeling of internal peace, all the negative reflections will leave you all alone. Thus, you can concentrate more on your positive emotions like love and compassion.


If you wish to find inner peace, Taoist practice is among the best contemplative ways to think about it. You can quickly achieve inner balance and peace in your energy flows depending on your approach.

Additionally, it can assist in enhancing your positive feelings while stifling your negative ones. But only if you use the approach correctly can you gain from it. Start with a Taoist practice that is led in case you’re a beginner.

The opinions presented in this article are not intended to be medical advice. Before implementing this procedure for any of the above advantages, speak with your doctor.


Q. How do you meditate in Taoism?

A. Taoist meditation practice begins with the 3 regulations or the 3 adjustments. These are Tiao Xin, Tiao Shen, and Tiao Xi.

Q. How is Taoism practiced?

A. The Taoist meditation process is an antique type of practice that came from the Chinese religion and philosophical Taoism.

Q. What is the full Taoist Meditation formula?

A. “Changing grain into Qin, changing Qin into Qi ( Lian Jing Hua Qi (炼精化气) means “Refined gas”, changing Qi into the spirit (Lian Qi Hua Shen (炼气化神) means ‘Refining God’, returning spirit to nothingness ( Lian Shen Huan Xu (炼神还虚) means ‘Refining God is still empty’, and combining nothingness with Tao, Lian Xu He Dao (炼虚合道) means ‘Refining the virtual road’.