What Is Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation?

Abraham Hicks Morning meditation


All successful persons follow a morning routine that contributes immensely to their success. Some start their day with a morning meditation. A guided morning meditation renews the hopes and faith of the person.

And one such meditation is the Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation. Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation makes you feel fresh with the thought that today is a new day and thus it is a new beginning…

What Is Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation?

original source material

Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation is a lovely uplifting and motivating guided morning meditation created in Esther Hicks’s voice. This Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation is sure to increase your energy and vibrations levels and thus it sets your mindset for the upcoming bright, beautiful day.

Abraham Hicks’s healing meditation is a regular technique to place your soul in conscious contact with the almighty God, who is inside man as well as infuses the whole universe.

As stated by the Scriptures of the main religions as well as the Chiefs of the Uppermost Order, God demonstrates Himself through the 2 primary forms of Sound and Celestial Light.

Who Is Abraham Hicks?

abraham hicks publications

Esther Hicks morning rampage uses the name Abraham Hicks to refer to a spirit that she channels. They are reputed to teach the law of attraction. They are “a collection of non-physical creatures that portray themselves as Abraham and who converse through a method called channeling,” according to Esther Hicks.

Esther Hicks is mainly an American (California) channeler, inspirational speaker, and also a writer. She has co-written 9 books so far with her late spouse Jerry Hicks, delivered many workshops mainly on the law of attraction along with Abraham-Hicks Publications, as well as she appeared in the authentic version of the film The Secret (2006).

How to Do Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation?

attraction wave


As the name suggests it’s a morning meditation so you will have to do it in the morning when you can feel the attraction cruise. Once you wake up, get yourself fresh, and then change your clothes, choose a quiet and clean place to perform your meditation.

Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation offers peace as well as calm against the anxieties of your daily life and unlocks the entrance to the divine and deepest part of ourselves.

Now play Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation Lyric in the background

Listen to the music and lyrics carefully

Indulge in the music

Check out the Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation Music/Lyrics:

current law


It’s a good morning,

This is a good morning

This is a really good morning

This is a new morning

This is a new day

This is a new vibrational point of Attraction

This is a new beginning

This is me new to the world

This is me choosing my vibrations more deliberately

This is me in this, a good morning being aware of the way I am feeling

This is me being in touch with my emotions

This is me, good morning

This is me in my good morning, being aware of the value of my emotions

This is me now in this day with a vortex full of all kinds of things that are, readily even immediately, some eventually all eventually available to me

This is a really good day

This is the beginning of me deliberately… tuning myself to the frequency that allows my receptive mode

This is me in my new day… in this good morning, allowing myself more than ever before to be in the receptive mode…

The receptive mode of everything that I’ve intended, everything that I’ve asked for, everything that I’ve put into the vortex, all that I’ve become… full alignment with all that I have become

This is a good day

This is a new beginning

This is a new beginning for me

Good morning

This is a new day

Today, everything in my world will respond differently to me than it has ever before

Because while I swept… all momentum subsided,

And now that I’m awake

I’m taking care to focus in ways that will allow my receptive mode

I know that I am an extension of Source Energy

And I know that I’ve come into this physical time-space reality with a purpose

And I know that this time-space reality has served my purpose well

I fibbed it and sorted and decided

And I’ve come to all kinds of conclusions about things that are important to me

And I’d put them into my vibrational reality

Where they have been tended to… by your source… You who is at the basis of my really good day

I like knowing that you are aware of me

And I like knowing that you will go everywhere I go today

I like knowing that you’ll be in on the conversations with me

That you’ll be aware of what my intentions are

That you will care about the people that I am interacting with

And that you will know what their intentions are

I like that this broader view that you hold is available to me

And I like that whatever I’m ready for now

I will feel an impulse about

This is a really good day

As I move through this day, the contrast will still exist

And from it… I will find more things that I desire

I know that on this really good day that those contrasting experiences are not me being off my path

But still being on my path

I embrace the contrast that comes today

And I keep it in perspective because I understand that it’s not me leaving my path

I understand it’s me still on my path… doing what I intended when I came into this time-space reality

So I’ll sift and I’ll sort

And I’ll come to get new awareness of what I want

And all day I will be keenly aware of the way I feel

I expect that on this day

I will feel good all day long

Good within contrast because I understand it

Good with my deliberate attention to focus

Because I understand that better today than ever before

Because I’m consciously setting forth my intentions at the beginning of this day

To utilize my guidance system in the way they are intended to use it

When I came into this physical body, to begin with

This is a really good day my vortex is full of manifested potential

My vortex is a new reality that I can feel my way into

Today, I intend to feel exhilaration about things not yet manifested

Because I understand the reality of them

I now get what true faith is

I get what true belief is

It’s an understanding of the way the universe works

It’s an understanding that vibration precedes manifestation

It’s an understanding that the vibration is a reality

It’s an understanding that I can achieve vibrational alignment with that vibrational reality

It’s an understanding that I can find that feeling of well-being even without the manifestation

I embrace this perfect unconditional day

Today will be full of conditions

There will be driving traffic people and business, and commerce

There will be a conversation

There will be all kinds of information about all kinds of things

And I accept that as the basis of my manifested reality

But there will also be insights and emotions

There will also be knowledge

There will also be information coming from a source

There will also be me in the receptive mode

This is a really good day

I will have more awareness of my vibrational reality today than I ever have before

I will be more aware of the way I feel than I have ever been before

And while I will be moving about a physically manifested material world

And I will be embracing it

And I will be applauding it

And I will appreciate it

I am also predominantly unconditional in my being today

Maybe for the very first time at least better than I’ve ever been before

Because today, the way I feel is not dependent upon the conditions that have already manifested

Is dependent upon the vibration that I sense

The vibrations that I’m tuned to

The vibration that I understand

The vibration that my source holds

The vibration that I have access to

The vibrational frequency of who I am

Today is a really good day

Today I’m going to pronounce myself an emotional being

This means today I’m going to pronounce myself a vibrationally astute being

This means today I’m going to pronounce myself aware of my guidance system

And using it to the best of my ability

I understand that the source within me is aware of where I stand about everything that I desire

And I believe with all that I am that my inner being is guiding me

Along the path of least resistance

Which also happens to be the path of my greatest joy

The path of my greatest clarity and the pack of my most fun

So I pronounce today on this really good day

That no matter where I am going and no matter what I am doing

And no matter who I am doing it with

That it will be my dominant intent

To hold me in the place of feeling good

Today is the day that I pronounce my day of greatest appreciation

Today is a day that I pronounce my day of the greatest awareness

Today is the day that I pronounce my day of greatest emotional awareness and emotional response to my awareness

Today I am pronouncing myself a liver of unconditional love

Unconditional clarity, unconditional alignment, unconditional atonement

Today I am tuned in, tapped in, turned on to who I am

Today I intend to the best of my ability to fulfill myself as I have meant to be fulfilled

Today I’m going to look for reasons to feel good and I will find them

And if I stumble upon something that doesn’t feel so good

I will revel in the perfection of my guidance system

And I will adjust it today

So, start your day with Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation to feel great throughout the day as well as enjoy your day to the fullest. This Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation will feel you with great joy.

Check the video of Abraham Hicks’s Morning meditation below. You can also search for yourself by typing Abraham Hicks’s youtube. For that, all you need to do is to go to “YouTube” and search “Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation”.



Q. What Is Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation?

A. Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation is a lovely uplifting and motivating guided morning meditation created in Esther Hicks’s voice.

Q. How to Do Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation?

A. As the name suggests it’s a morning meditation so you will have to do it in the morning. Once you wake up, get yourself fresh, and then change your clothes, choose a quiet and clean place to perform your meditation.

Q. Where can I find the Abraham Hicks Morning Meditation Lyrics?

A. You can easily get the lyrics from Abraham Hicks’ website or on YouTube or Abraham Hicks seminars. And if you can’t find that out then just click on this article to get the lyrics of Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation.

Q. How can I get Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation Videos?

A. You can also search Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation Video on Youtube. For that, all you need to do is to go to “YouTube” and search “Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation”. And choose a video of your choice to practice Abraham Hicks’s Morning Meditation.

Q. Is Abraham Hicks meditation for sleep helpful?

A. Abraham Hicks Meditation Sleep: Yes, it is helpful for sleep. Abraham Hicks events truly help practitioners improve sleep. You can also practice Abraham Hicks rampage morning meditation to improve your sleep. You can use Abraham Hicks 90 minute sleep meditation to achieve deep sleep. Also, use Abraham Hicks financial meditation to achieve financial support and Abraham Hicks health meditation for sound health.