Vedic Meditation VS Transcendental Meditation

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Meditation first evolved Quite a while numerous years prior (around 5000-3500 BCE). The idea came from “The Vedas”. When you meditate using Mantra it is called Vedic Meditation. Similarly, Transcendental Meditation is also a part of Vedic Meditation. So, here I am going to give an idea on Vedic Meditation VS Transcendental Meditation, they are different or the same from each other.

It required some investment to get mainstream in the Western world, yet today it is praised as a helpful apparatus to ease pressure, nervousness, depression, and addictions. In the previous years, it has likewise gotten perceived to improve mental execution, and it subsequently turned into a multi-billion dollar business.

What Is Vedic Meditation?

The word Vedic itself signifies “from the Vedas.” The Vedas are old writings and an antiquated group of information starting from India. Notwithstanding, they are viewed as general information since this equivalent data has been perceived everywhere in the world. It is a similar assemblage of information that yoga and Ayurveda originate from. The Vedas are more than 5,000 years of age and key segments of the Vedic Meditation style can be found in them.

There are a few diverse reflection methods that are called Vedic Meditation in India including an arrangement of isometric activities promoting unification. In any case, in this article, we will address Vedic Meditation as passed somewhere around Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math.

TM is a mantra-based type of reflection beginning from the old Vedic lessons. It has been ignored for a huge number of years and is advertised as a characteristic, easy strategy that empowers the psyche and body to get to an uncommon nature of rest.

The training was first acquainted with the Western world during the 1970s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the author of the Transcendental Meditation Association. Throughout the long term, numerous prominent VIPs have lectured about its advantages, from the Beatles who went to India to gain from Maharishi Yogi legitimately, to later figures, for example, Russell Brand, Hugh Jackman, and Ellen Degeneres.

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Vedic Meditation VS Transcendental Meditation: Are They Different Or Same?

In the event that you’ve ever attempted meditation, you may be contemplating how hard it tends to be to clear your bustling psyche totally. All things considered, the uplifting news for you is that with Vedic meditation, you’re not urged to clear your brain by any stretch of the imagination.

All things being equal, it’s more about recognizing those bustling musings and afterward rehearsing to release them. So, see below to know about Vedic Meditation VS Transcendental Meditation, they are different or the same from each other.


Vedic Meditation:

  • The mantra in Vedic meditation centers around both vibration and sound. Pick something that can give you a thunderous sensation through your body yet in addition has an absence of importance.
  • It’s harder to get into that profound unwinding if your body isn’t in a tranquil position.
  • Whenever you’ve subsided into your agreeable situated position, turn your consideration close to your body.
  • In your casual state, center around the mantra, you have decided for yourself. Permit it to be a significant presence in your brain and notice as your considerations drift in or wait in your psyche.
  • After around 20 minutes of meditation, you can move back into your actual body.

Transcendental Meditation:

  • Sit in an agreeable seat with your feet on the ground and hands in your lap. Leave your legs and arms uncrossed.
  • Close your eyes, and take a couple of full breaths to loosen up the body.
  • Open your eyes, and afterward, close them once more. Your eyes will stay shut during the 20-minute practice.
  • Rehash a mantra in your brain. This is ordinarily a Sanskrit sound gained from a TM instructor.
  • At the point when you remember you’re having an idea, essentially re-visitation of the mantra.
  • Following 20 minutes, start to move your fingers and toes to move back to the world.


Vedic Meditation vs Transcendental Meditation is the most asked question. Many think that Vedic Meditation is different from Transcendental Meditation but in my opinion, both are the same as the technique of practice this is the same. The benefits are also the same.


Q. What Distinguishes Transcendental Meditation and Vedic Meditation from Other Methods?

A. Finding the meditation technique that is most effective for you is important because each style of meditation has its own specific benefits. These methods differ from others in that they are simple and easy to use while still enabling meditators to have significant and in-depth experiences.

Another significant distinction from previous methods is the technique’s increased flexibility. In contrast to most meditation approaches, Vedic meditation, and Transcendental Meditation do not require you to sit in a peaceful, distraction-free environment.

Q. Does Transcendental Meditation use a mantra?

Another crucial aspect of the lineage of the Transcendental Meditation practice is the mantra you are given and not sharing that chant. Having said that, there are numerous well-known books and instructional films that can teach Transcendental Meditation techniques, and many people claim that using these resources has helped them achieve amazing results in their practice.

Q. How frequently can one practice Transcendental Meditation?

People spend 15 to 20 minutes each time they practice Transcendental Meditation. That typically implies twice a day, once before breakfast and once before dinner. There is no demanding work involved in Transcendental Meditation. Additionally, neither contemplation nor focus is necessary.

Q. Who invented Transcendental Meditation?

A. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the creator of the Transcendental Meditation movement, died on Tuesday in Vlodrop, the Netherlands. He is best known for teaching the Beatles how to meditate, popularising the word “mantra” in the 1970s, and creating a multimillion-dollar business on the promise of inner harmony and world peace. He was estimated to be 91 years old.

Q. What is the Transcendental Meditation tradition of the Vedas?

A. Vedic meditation, or Transcendental Meditation, is a form of meditation that originated in India and was first recorded in the Vedic literature about 5000 years ago. The Vedas are typically regarded as Hindu literature due to their influence on the wide range of religious perspectives that make up Hinduism.

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