During yoga or meditation, you may have noticed that your fingers and hands take on intriguing shapes or forms. similar to clasping both hands together in meditation or placing your hands in the Surya Namaskar prayer position?
These hand and finger positions are considered to be mudras that open chakras in our bodies, which are sacred gestures. They serve a function and have value, just like other aspects of yoga.
This blog will explain what mudras are, how important they are in meditation and yoga, and some of the top mudras for daily yoga practice and chakra meditation balancing.
What Are Chakras?
The energy regions of the body are known as chakras. They are found in the astral body, running from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head. The energy body that resides inside our physical body is called the astral body.
There is an astral body part that corresponds to each physical body part. It is impossible to see or touch the astral body. We are unable to view the chakras for the same reason.
What are Chakra Fingers?
Chakra fingers are specialized hand gestures that direct energy to specific chakra sites in our bodies. Each of the 5 universal elements is connected to a finger of our hand.
The Chakra fingers represent, therefore, each component:
- The Thumb – Thumbs represent the fire elements
- The Index finger – Index fingers represent the air elements
- The Middle finger – Middle fingers represent the space elements
- The Ring fingers – The ring finger represents the earth’s element
- The Pinky finger – Pinky fingers represent the water elements
How Many Chakra Fingers Are There In The Body?
The majority of the time, we hear the phrase “seven chakras,” yet the human body contains an endless number of chakras. Each of the seven chakras has a particular vibration, color, symbol, and sound attached to it.
Your mental, physical, and also emotional health may manifest differently based on whether these energy points are open or blocked. As they manifest in the body, the seven primary chakras are:
- Muladhara Chakra Means – Root Chakra or Prithvi Mudra or Gyan Mudra
- Svadhishthana Chakra Means – Sacral Chakra Mudra or Shakti Mudra
- Manipura Chakra Means – Solar Plexus Chakra Mudras or Rudra Mudra
- Anahata Chakra Means – Heart Chakra Mudra or Padma Mudra
- Vishuddha Chakra Means – Throat Chakra Mudra
- Ajna Chakra Means – Third Eye Chakra Mudra
- Sahastrara Chakra Means – Crown Chakra Mudra
1. Muladhara Chakra Or Root Chakra Mudras:
The Root Chakra Mudra or Muladhara Mudra has a lotus flower with 4-petals, a square, as well as a triangle facing downward. Each element represents the 4 characteristics of the human mind, connecting to construct the birth of consciousness in human beings.
Element: The Earth
Color: Red
Location: This Chakra even known as Muladhara Chakra mudra is found at the bottom of your spine, between your genitals and your anus. It’s represented by the emotions of stability, survival, self-sufficiency, and ambition.
Symptoms of Balanced/Imbalanced Chakra: Yet, as soon as your Root Chakra is proportional, these are substituted by more approving emotions, as well as you feel confident, stable, balanced, independent, energetic, and also strong.
Signs of Blocked Root Chakra: As soon as Root chakra is imbalanced, an individual starts feeling ungrounded, unstable, fearful, lacking ambition, insecurity, lack purpose, and even frustration.
Yoga Poses to Balance This Chakra: Tadasana (Mountain Pose) and Vrkshasana (Tree Pose)
Mantra: The beej mantra (seed mantra) of Root Chakra is ‘Lam’.
2. Svadhishthana Chakra Or Sacral Chakra:
The Svadhishthana Chakra, also known as the Sacral Chakra, is represented by a crescent moon, six petals of a lotus flower, and several circles. The six petals depict the six negative parts of our nature that we must get through to awaken this chakra, while the circles as well as the crescent moon symbolize the cycle of life, rebirth, and death.
Element: The Water
Colors: Orange
Location: This Chakra is found in the lower abdomen, around 4 fingers below your navel. Its features include the fundamental need for creativity, sexuality, and also self-worth.
Signs of Blocked/Imbalanced Sacral Chakras: A blocked sacral chakra makes you feel irritable and emotionally explosive, feel manipulative, feel a lack of creativity and energy, or plagued with sexual ideas.
Symptoms of Balanced Sacral Chakras: As soon as balanced, this makes you feel happier, more vibrant, positive, compassionate, intuitive, and satisfied.
Yoga Poses to Trigger This Chakra: Kakasana (Crow Pose) or Trikonasana (Triangle Pose).
Mantra: This Chakra’s beej (seed mantra ) is ‘Vam’.
3. Manipura Chakra Or Solar Plexus Chakra:
The symbol for the solar plexus chakra is a downward-pointing triangle enclosed in a lotus flower with ten petals. The triangle represents our inner power, and the triangle’s Agni tattva, or fire of spiritual energy, represents the ten petals, which stand for the ten negative character qualities we must overcome.
Elements: Fire
Colors: Yellow
Location: Between your navel and your rib cage’s base, near the solar plexus, is where the Manipura Chakra is situated. Emotions like anger, ego, and aggressiveness are its defining characteristics.
Symptoms of Balanced Solar Plexus Chakras: We experience an increase in energy, self-assurance, productivity, and attention when this chakra is balanced.
Signs of Imbalanced/Blocked Solar Plexus Chakras: Physical symptoms of a solar plexus chakra imbalance include diabetes, liver issues, and digestive issues. A person may experience emotional difficulties such as depression, low self-esteem, rage, and perfectionism.
Yoga Poses To Activate This Chakra: Paschimottanasana (Classical Forward Bend), Bhujangasana (Classical Cobra Pose), and Dhanurasana (Bow Pose).
Mantra: This Chakra’s beej (seed mantra) is ‘Ram’.
4. Anahata Chakra Or Heart Chakra:
The two triangles intersect to create a yantra in the Heart Chakra sign, representing the harmony of yang and yin or both downward and upward forces. A lotus flower is outside with twelve petals, signifying the twelve holy attributes related to the heart.
Elements: Air
Colors: Green
Location: This Chakra is situated in the area of the heart, as its name suggests. The emotions of attachment, love, trust, passion, and compassion are those associated with this chakra, which is the seat of balance.
Symbols of Balanced Heart Chakras: A person starts to feel more sympathetic, kind, upbeat, pleasant, and motivated when this energy center is in harmony.
Signs of Imbalanced/Blocked/ Heart Chakras: When this chakra is out of balance, a person may experience emotional problems including wrath, lack of trust, jealousy, anxiety, moodiness, and fear.
Yoga Poses to Activate Heart Chakra: Ardha Setubandhasana (Half Bridge Pose), and Matsyasana ( Fish Pose).
Mantra: This Chakra’s beej (seed mantra) is ‘Yam’.
5. Vishuddha Chakra Or Throat Chakra:
The Throat Chakra is represented by a 16-petal lotus blossom encircling an inverted triangle with a circle inside. This symbolizes the development of the spirit and the sanctification of the mind, body, and spirit.
Elements: Space
Colors: Blue
Location: The thyroid gland and the Visuddha Chakra are both found at the bottom of the throat. It is linked to creativity, positive expression, faith, and effective communication.
Symptoms of Balanced Throat Chakras: This chakra promotes creativity, healthy self-expression, efficient interaction, and a feeling of fulfillment when it is in balance.
Signs of Imbalanced/Blocked Throat Chakras: The throat chakra can get blocked when we are afraid, quiet, feel weak, or find it difficult to convey our thoughts.
Yoga PosesTo Activate Throat Chakra: Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) and Halasana (Plough Pose).
Mantra: This Chakra’s beej (seed mantra) is ‘Ham’.
6. Ajna Chakra Or Third Eye Chakra:
The Third Eye Chakra is represented by an inverted triangle that is perched in the middle of two lotus petals within a circle. The pyramid that faces downward and the two petals both stand for wisdom, highlighting the Third Eye Chakra’s significance in our quest for spiritual consciousness.
Elements: None
Colors: Indigo
Location: The Ajna Chakra, also known as the Agya Chakra, is situated in the space between the eyebrows. It is frequently employed as the center of attention during asana yoga to increase awareness and concentration. It is additionally referred to as the Third Eye Chakra.
Signs of Balanced Third Eye Chakras: A person feels more vivacious and self-assured when this chakra is open and in balance, both emotionally and spiritually. When one is not afraid of dying, they become their masters and are unattached to material possessions.
Symptoms of an Imbalanced/Blocked Third Eye Chakras: When out of balance, it can either make you feel narcissistic and unassailable or non-assertive and fearful of success. Physical issues like headaches, eye strain, and hazy vision might be a sign of an imbalance.
Yoga Poses to Activate Third Eye Chakras: Shirshasana (Headstand).
Mantra: This Chakra’s beej (seed mantra) is ‘Om’.
7. Sahastrara Chakra Or Crown Chakra:
The image of the Crown Chakra is an inverted triangle surrounded by a ring of many lotus petals. The ascent of divine power into the Crown Chakra, which brings about spiritual liberty and enlightenment, is represented by this.
Elements: None
Colors: Violet White
Location: The crown of the head is home to the Crown Chakra or Sahastrara. The heart of enlightenment, spirituality, and vibrant mind and energy is the seventh chakra. It offers the gift of universal awareness and enables the inner flow of wisdom.
Symptoms of Balanced Crown Chakras: Spiritual awareness, inner tranquility, and a clear comprehension of the world are all facilitated by a balanced Crown Chakra.
Signs of an Imbalanced/Blocked Crown Chakras: When it becomes out of balance, one may experience ongoing frustration, depression, and harmful emotions.
Yoga Poses To Activate Crown Chakras: Shirshasana (Headstand).
Mantra: This Chakra’s beej (seed mantra) is ‘Aum’.
Mudras are a spiritual healing technique that dates back thousands of years and is still influential today. You may simply include these metaphorical gestures of the hand in your yoga, meditation, or chanting practice because there are distinct mudras for each of the seven chakras.
Q. What chakras are associated with fingers?
A. The Chakra fingers represent, therefore, each component:
- The Thumb – solar plexus-chakra
- The Index finger – heart-chakra
- The Middle finger-throat chakra
- The Ring fingers – root-chakra
- The Pinky finger – sacral chakra
Q. What chakra is the pinky finger?
A. The Pinky finger represents a water element or sacral chakra mudra
Q. What are the physical symptoms of a blocked chakra?
A. As soon as the Root chakra is blocked, an individual starts feeling ungrounded, unstable, fearful, lacking ambition, insecurity, lack purpose, and even frustrated.
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