The Science Behind Finger Mudras and Chakra Activation

Finger Mudras and Chakra Activation

Mudra in Sanskrit means “seal” or “sign”, and the first mention of mudras can be found in canonical texts. These symbolic and ritual gestures are widely used in the religious movements of Hinduism and Buddhism. So, here let’s learn about the science of finger mudras.

Modern people associate mudras primarily with such concepts as “yoga”, and this is no coincidence since the yogic tradition widely uses this system of gestures. Mudras are included in some asanas, such as, for example, the asana called “yoga mudra”. The name speaks for itself. When performing it, the entire body becomes a “mudra” – a gesture, and at the same time the palms and fingers are folded in a certain way.

Many meditative asanas imply performing mudras with the fingers. This is clearly seen in the examples of Padmasana and Vajrasana, where the hands rest on the knees, and the fingers are folded in a certain way, often in the form of the mudra of Knowledge.

Science Of Finger Mudras:

Yoga for fingers concentrates energy inside the body – a homogeneous mass (this makes it easier to perceive for spiritual practice). It distributes potentials over the surface of the body and inside it. Energy flows between active points. When moving from one state, physical or emotional, to another, the distribution of potentials outside and inside changes.

Energy circulates in the biofield of each person. The fingertips, the centers of the palms can draw it in and release it. If the energy channels are not clogged, the chakras are not damaged, and the biofield works normally, then the energy exchange occurs constantly. Otherwise, blocks appear, the flow of energy is disrupted, which subsequently negatively affects physical health and other areas of life.

By folding our hands in a special way, we direct energy flows to certain points, the correspondence of which was deduced by ancient sages. And this helps to maintain health, and spiritual development, and adequately respond to external circumstances.

Practice for Health:

There are points on the palms and feet, pressing on which we affect different parts of our body.

If you are bothered by some organ, finger yoga will help eliminate the problem. It is necessary to influence the corresponding area.

Images with the designation of zones are known from ancient teachings about the correspondence of physical organs to energy centers located on the palms and feet. Their successor is the modern science of “reflexology”.

Mudras that solve an urgent problem – health improvement are popular now. They are rarely used to open energy channels, or cleanse chakras. This is the main mistake of practitioners. The correct flow of positive energy directly affects the improvement of well-being.